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More than we bargained for at the old pharmacy

If you missed part one of the final Great Ghost Stake Out, you can read it here.

We decided after all the excitement at the starting location, to split up into two groups and take half of us over to the old pharmacy to see what evidence we could collect over there while the other half spent some more time investigating the first location.

pharmacyI’ve spent a great deal of time on the second floor of the pharmacy with a spirit that has become somewhat of a friend…well, as much as a ghost can be your friend. It’s not like we’re chatting over drinks on the weekends, but there’s definitely a connection there. And because of this connection, I was asked to go first, along with a PROOV investigator, our guest psychic, a tour guide and 2 of our guests.

The six of us walked over and I was anxious to have my perceptions of this place validated by another medium. On one hand, I was hoping the aggressive spirit would be absent tonight (as he gave us quite a scare last time we were upstairs), but it would also be good to see what an additional medium would pick up that I couldn’t. So, I was open to either situation presenting itself.

As we walked in, I did my usual procedure of walking to the bottom of the stairs to announce our presence and as usual, he walked up the stairs and we heard him walk across the floor on the second floor. I’m not sure why this has become the routine, but it has.

We entered the second floor and our guest psychic immediately picked up the friendly spirit and described him exactly as I see him. The aggressive entity was MIA, but the friendly gentlemen told our guest all about him.

Ah, validation…

hidingWhile we were chatting about our impressions and comparing notes, the PROOV investigator was walking the floor with the night shot and digital recorder. He entered a room that I have never been in up there and immediately described a scared feeling accompanied by watery eyes. As he was describing the situation to his digital recorder, the recorder shut itself off…not uncommon up there. Our guest psychic entered the room and described something “crouching down” as to remain hidden. I had never encountered a hider up there, so I had no input and chose not to enter the room.

The three of us went back downstairs to send the remaining three up to investigate. The guests we had were a couple, and were amateur ghost hunters themselves, so they were knowledgeable with the routine. She hit the bottom of the stairs and decided to not go up there. Wise choice, we found out later on.

After to talking to the other medium for a bit, he asked me to go back up there and enter the back room and see what my take on it was since he was unable to get any sort of reading on what seemed so hellbent on hiding from us.

I reluctantly took the stairs and grabbed the two people already up there to be my security blankets of sorts. I immediately sensed something to my lower left. Yet, could not get a feel, no matter how much I tuned in, to what it was. Male, female, animal…I had no idea. My Ghost Radar was running and the readings matched those of the K2 meter in the room every time.

The tour guide started to ask questions to see if talking would bring this hidden entity forth so I could gather any additional information. The Ghost Radar actually spelled the name of our town while she was talking…”la grange’…very strange. Explain that Ghost Radar naysayers!

All of the sudden, it felt like I was hit in each temple on my head with an ice pick. I almost dropped to the floor from the sharp and sudden pain. I shouted for it to stop, and it did. But the residual pain was reverberating in my brain.

Time to bail.

Back downstairs, I was told by my fellow psychic that I needed to be very careful if I chose to return to this location because next time it would be much worse. And it was specific to me, not who I was with. Needless to say, I will not be returning to the second floor of the pharmacy.

We gathered up our stuff and on the way out the door, he said, “I’m glad I’m not in the next group coming in.” And then he went home. He didn’t even get the chance to see just how right on he was with that statement…(next post, I promise…)

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