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Literally thousands of dead folks…a few up close and personal.

I was told I was being taken to a park, we’d be outside and to wear shoes I didn’t mind getting muddy.

That’s all I knew going in.

Oh, and that I may need to do a little extra protecting tonight. So I did.

We pulled into a local park, that I had heard of, but never been to. I was introduced to a couple that were to serve as our ghost hunting tour guides for the evening. I requested to be told nothing (as always). In fact, all night each stop we made to walk to a location, I stayed in the front of the group. I like to follow the pull of where I’m lead by energy as much as possible.

A little ways down the first trail, I felt the boundary. Walked into it like a wall. This was “his territory”. The energy was making me shaky, my stomach churn and my jaw clench. I still had no idea what I was about to walk into, but I already understood why I was told to extra protect myself.

I had a very difficult time even walking up the path past the boundary. I had to keep stopping to turn my back to it. Then I saw the cave. And I knew this was where he was hiding. What he was protecting. I pulled out the flip cam as approached.


My first feat was to just step inside. This was probably the most difficult part of the evening. He did not want me in there.

I stepped inside and actually gasped out loud. There was so much going on in there, and I did my best to compartmentalize as much as possible. This man was angry, controlling and had stuff to hide. I had the feeling of being “trapped” in there, from several different directions. From the residual energy of the people that were trapped down there at one point. From the dead that were stacked in there. From the dead that were still trapped in there (who I believe this man was holding captive). As much as I wanted to free them, he blocked me from communicating with them at every turn.

I began to get sharp stomach pains, the kind that make you double over. I also experienced, several times, the feeling of getting a hard blow to the head.

PIC_0086PIC_0098Our tour guide had all the history on the location, so I finally allowed her to tell me why I was feeling the things I was feeling. It was the only way to make it stop. The message needed to be heard.

The “trapped” feeling I was getting could have been from several different things, or all of them at once. This was an underground cave that a tribe of Native Americans had once used to store the dead of their conquests. It had also been an underground location for a former insane asylum that had been on the property where they had taken pregnant woman to do barbaric abortions, and the women frequently died (uh, that would explain the sharp stomach pains, eh?). There had also been a murder of a child carried out, by who I believe, was the dominant male in the cave. She also explained later that an inordinate amount of patients at the asylum had “brain hemorrhage” listed as their cause of death on the death certificates. Which validates why I would feel the blows to my head periodically.

We decided to move on to the next location, but this time instead of leading the way back to the truck, I hung behind. As I walked away from the cave, I felt a child grab my right hand and tug me back. I stopped, connected to him, and helped him cross over. Perhaps it was the child that was murdered there. Or perhaps just one of the many children who called the asylum home. I’ll probably never know. And really it doesn’t matter. I’m happy another spirit was able to go home.

As I headed back up the trail to the truck, I became aware of a plethora of spirits watching us walk away. It wasn’t the same uneasy, angry feeling. Just that they were interested in our presence and intentions. I stopped to acknowledge them and moved along.

The next location we drove through a field and pulled up to a large open space with a single large tree in the center. I immediately jumped out and started walking through this open space inside the fence surrounding it. I got close to the middle before I heard the screaming. Not like a regular scream…the screams of what sounded like hundreds, or even thousands in agony all at once. I couldn’t sort out anything, and it was somewhat overwhelming. I kept walking to the other side of the area with Chris, his camera in one hand and voice recorder in the other. I told him about the screaming, so he decides to do an EVP session. As he’s asking if anyone was in pain, or needed help, a woman finally found the strength to reach out to us. Literally, reach out. I saw her hand grasp at the space between the two of us. I could barely make her out. But she had long stringy blonde hair and a sad face. I focused on her as much as possible and could finally get that she was there with her daughter. And by today’s standards, had no valid reason to be in the asylum, yet was tortured by having to live and die there. I helped her and her daughter move on to the Other Side before heading back across the field to the next location. On my way out, I felt another child like smack on my lower back. I turned to see no one there (of course), but couldn’t even connect to the energy. I suppose he didn’t want to go anywhere.

Our tour guide’s history lesson revealed that this space was an unmarked (other than a small plaque at the entrance, so small in fact, that I completely missed it until it was pointed out to me) graveyard where over 5000 bodies had not just been left in unmarked graves, but were dumped in trenches on top of the other bodies of the dead to be forgotten. Ugh.

I starting to feel a little drained as we headed to the last couple locations. One of the last places was a ridge that used to be the site of the main building of the asylum. I wouldn’t describe the energy I felt there as anything other than “weird”. But like I said, I was feeling pretty drained.

I wish I had the energy to stay there and free each spirit from whatever is keeping them there. But sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m only one person and doing my best is the best I can do.

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Published inRecent Experiences

One Comment

  1. Sue Sue

    Thanks for being so brave for the trapped spirits and for sharing your experiences with us.

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