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The Great Ghost Stake Out #2 ~ Part I

The second of the three Great Ghost Stake Outs here in La Grange took place last night (10/16/09) at Big R’s BBQ on Main Street. They had been reporting a plethora of activity including lights turning on and off, light bulbs exploding, footsteps upstairs (when they were certain no one was on the second floor), creepy feelings in various parts of the house, and have even had reports of full bodied apparitions of a man upstairs.Stairs leading to second floor at Big R's BBQ

The owners were not afraid, and were excited to have their location chosen as one of the three sites here on Main Street to have investigated. What interested me the most about this particular investigation was that I used to live in this house several years ago. When I lived there, I was still doing all I could to ignore this ability that I’ve grown accustomed to by this point. I was aware of the presence in the house, but had no more information than that.

Here’s a little introduction audio for the evening: Listen!

While the guest investigators were out taking the tour of our town, the paranormal research team and I were hard at work (and play) unloading and setting up equipment. While the team takes the investigations very seriously, we’re not above a little goofing off as we all enjoy each other’s company and have much fun together. This is clear in the video I shot here:

Before the hunt began, our guest clairvoyant took a trip down to the basement and ran into a spirit of a woman who told him there was a bag of coins stashed somewhere in the house in the walls. It would be easy to get to (as in no demolition required). Interestingly enough, one of the owners claims this is not the first time a psychic has told her this same information. We will follow up with the folks at Big R’s and see what they find!

There was also a small room upstairs that all the employees were unwilling to go into as it gave them all a creepy feeling. Of course, that’s where I wanted to go first! When I opened the door, the energy was so intense it almost pushed me back. A fellow investigator experienced the same thing when he approached the doorway. This is a space that is seldom used and I believe this spirit prefers it that way.
Continue reading with Part II

If you are interested in joining us for our last Stake Out of the season on October 30th, visit The Spirits of La Grange for all the details.

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