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Can ghosts hurt you?

I hear so many people answer this question with “no“. Unfortunately, this is incorrect. I have personally been pushed, kicked, pinched, etc. Some events have left visible marks on my skin. I’ve also witnessed this happen to other people…so the answer to this question is “yes“.

But you can protect yourself.

The important thing to remember here is that fear is like a giant battery to entities. Fear sends out a useable power source. If those intending harm are fed more energy, then their power gets greater. So, as hard as it is sometimes, release the fear and know that you have control over what can and can’t access you. Protect yourself with white light visualizations. Send out intentions of only good permeating your space and you only sending good out. Fear is not a positive energy to send out. Let fear go and have the mindset of certainty when protecting yourself.

Remember that these are just suffering people. Be compassionate, but also lay down clear boundaries about what is and is not acceptable behavior. Assist them on moving on if you can. If they want to stay, make it clear that they are only welcome if they can adhere to the acceptable behavior guidelines.

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