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Why do some people become ghosts?

This is a question I am frequently asked. There is not just one answer to this question, because like living people, each ghost has it’s own unique personality and set of reasons for being here. The reasons why they get stuck, lost or choose to stay behind are completely dependent on the person and set of circumstances.

Sometimes they choose to stay because they are happy where they are and want to stay close to those they love. Not every ghost I’ve come across is stuck, suffering and wanting to leave. Some are completely aware of what’s happened to them, the state they are in, and choose to accept it and be content with the situation. They understand they are free to go at any time. Most of these ghosts are not the ones launching dishes in you kitchen, turning on and off lights or making loud noises. They aren’t attempting to get your attention out of frustration. They may try to make you aware of their presence from time to time in subtle ways. But usually just to let you know they are still close and watching over you.

Others are still here because they are confused and are unaware of what has happened to them. Let’s say someone dies instantly in a tragic accident or other quick event. Or maybe they died when under the influence of recreational drugs or anesthesia and not in a state of clear awareness, thus unable to process appropriately. When it happens fast and before they have a chance to process what has taken place, they may stay in that state of confusion wondering what happened and why no one can see or hear them anymore. This can cause great suffering for this soul, thus generating behaviors that seem scary to the living. These ghosts generally need guidance and assistance in moving on.

The majority of the ghosts I’ve encountered, though, are staying behind due to fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of judgment. Perhaps this person made some bad choices in their lifetime. Religion generally uses scare tactics to keep the general public in-line. People that may not have walked that line, may suddenly fear that Judgment Day (that isn’t going to happen, by the way). These earthbound spirits are the ones who need the most assistance. They don’t always just need a point in the right direction to move on. I generally have to call in the spirits from the Other Side that they know and trust to help guide them home.

Much like in life, each person, bodied or not, chooses their behaviors and circumstances. Free will doesn’t end when the body does. So each ghost has it’s own set of reasons for sticking around. The important thing is to approach each one with compassion. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Be willing to help, even if their attention seeking actions appear to be ill intended.

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